Spartour 2019
Spartour 2018
Spartour 2017
Click the link below to have a look at the antics of last year's tour, it was an amazing weekend enjoyed by all!
Spartour 2016
In April 2016 a group of Spartans travelled to the Netherlands on the age old pilgramage to the korfball Tour where many teams from many countries gather to compete at their various skill levels as well as having ample time to explore and enjoy the nightlife. Everyone came away having had such an amazing experience and ready to pre-book their flights for the long awaited Spartour 2017. If it's anything like last year it will be one long weekend to remember, I cant reccommend it enough. Here's a snippet of our time out in the Netherlands:
Spartour 2014
In April 2014, the Spartans undertook their first Korfball Tour to The Netherlands! Anxious, excited and unsure of what to expect other than a three night stay in a large Dutch sports hall along with a hundred other korfers, we travelled by coach to the famous Attila Tournament in Eindhoven!
Arriving after a reasonably “stress free” journey (minus the last hour or so trying to figure out where on earth we were meant to be going) we were thrown straight into the Dutch night life to celebrate “Kings Night” which ideally coincided with the tournament. This turned out to be an unforgettable night, involving our first cultured Dutch cuisine (McDonalds), classy drinking games on the streets of Eindhoven and stumbling across a massive street concert which I can only describe as a bizarre yet somewhat thrilling experience. With a quick stop to pose on the giant, floating bowling balls, we headed back for a night of luxury (blow up beds, a sports hall and fellow drunk korfers for company) and excitedly anticipated the day of korfball we had ahead of us!
After a short night's kip and loud alarm tune belting into the sports hall at 8am to wake us up, there was only time to drag our sleeping gear off the courts and shove down our gourmet breakfast of bread, ham and cheese supplied by our hosts, before the first korfball games began! Given that Holland is the birthplace of korfball, I anticipated some serious and tough games. However, this was not the case as many of the games were played with jest and sense of humour, for example we experienced barefooted, cross-dressing and semi-naked korfball teams to name a few! As true Spartans, we fully embraced the nature of the tournament and came up with our own gags with gimmicks such as “grenade” and “bowling ball”. Although we did come up against some challenging teams, all in all the game experience was fantastic!
After indulging in true Dutch cuisine, which consisted of potentially the weirdest combination of foods I’ve ever had on one plate, it was time for the second social of tour, held at the student club “The Bunker”. Although from the outside the club looked ominously like a prison, the inside faired much better and we were able to enjoy a second night of Dutch nightlife before retiring back to our sports hall quarters.
After another korf-filled day involving beach korfball, Turkish pizza, birthday hat hunting, forming a life long friendship with a Swedish korfball team and many hung-over Spartans, our Attila experience was over and we were able to leave proudly holding 19th and 28th overall positions and most importantly the prize for most entertaining team! The Attila Tournament was definitely one to remember and no doubt the Spartans will be returning for round 2 in 2015!
Emma Fraser

Who are SUKC?
We're National Champions, League Victors and Cup Winners.
But more than that, we're a tight Spartan family, both on and off the court. We're a bunch of people who have fallen in love with a sport they had never heard of before Uni.
We're always looking to expand our legion and - contrary to our fierce reputation - are the friendliest bunch around. Become a Spartan today!